Web Site Redesign Status
Site Map:
Home - Seems like it still might be missing something. This is our chance to make a first impression but all we have is scrolling pictures and a motto. Seems like we need a welcome message or something. Are these images our best images to capture visitor attention and highlight some of our biggest themes?
What We Believe - I believe this is DONE. Focus is on Reach, Build, Serve with longer belief statement below.
Our Staff - DONE.
Our History - DONE. With Cindy designated as contributor, she can try adding a blog post when ready.
Directions - DONE
Sunday Service - Content is DONE. May want to update the royalty-free images (although I think they work fine as-is)
Live Stream - DONE, redirects to Facebook.
Music Ministry - Layout is done but the content seems a little light to me, just 4 sentences encompassing a very broad music ministry. Maybe beef that up a little.
Prayer Team - Seems DONE unless we want a different photo.
Visitors - Page hasn't been started, need content. This is the page that needs to pull together a short synopsis of everything a first-time visitor would want to know (very brief overview of our beliefs, service schedule, link to Sunday school classes, map, a mention of children & youth ministries, etc.). And lots of our best pictures showing a dynamic, welcoming environment.
Children Ministries - Content seems DONE. Just need our best high-resolution children’s pictures. Announcements & events will appear at the bottom if we have any tagged as “Children”.
Youth Ministries - Content seems DONE. Just need our best high-resolution youth pictures. Announcements & events will appear at the bottom if we have any tagged as “Youth”.
Sunday School - Content is DONE. May want to replace royalty-free images with actual Shiloh images. Or not.
Wednesday Nights - Content is DONE. May want to replace roytalty-free images with actual Shiloh images. Or not.
Calendar - DONE, just redirects to existing no-frills calendar the office manager maintains.
Facebook - DONE, redirects to FB.
Ministry Teams - Not started; need content (text and words).
Documents - DONE, I think. I made a very simple landing page with links to the major folders on Google Drive. Until we figure out how to password-protect things, the clerk documents were left as Restricted on Google Drive.
Photos - DONE, redirects to SmugMug.
Live Stream - DONE, redirects to Facebook.
Newsletter - DONE, redirects to Google Docs folder.
Give - DONE.
Contact - DONE. Form entry forwards to office@kgshiloh.org. Are office hours really 10-6?
Other sections:
Header - DONE. Just need to remove the TEST menu later.
Footer - DONE.
Other stuff:
Delete/hide “fake” announcements & events; make a couple of real ones
Document contributor processes; set up training
Investigate domain transfer
Investigate email transfer
Cancel old service